This article will show you some basic photo tips for beginners. There are many tips out there but this article will focus on the beginner composition techniques that will get your shots looking better in no time. Examples of this include the rule of thirds and such.
Before we dive into all this, first know that all these compositional rules are just guidelines. Even so, it's best to learn the rules before you break them.
One of the simplest rules you can use right now to improve your shots is simply to answer a question. What is your main subject of the photograph? If you're taking a shot of a park is the main subject the dog lying on the ground? The old lady taking a walk? Or is it the entire park? Whichever you answer will have a major impact on how you are going to frame your shot.
If you want to have the subject be the dog you probably want to get close and isolate the dog. Any other information in the shot will be distracting. For example, having the old lady in the shot concentrating on the dog will just clutter the picture.
Now, if you want to have a shot of the entire park you should try to include everything and use the subjects in the shot to create an interesting composition. For example, you could use a large tree to create an imaginary border around the people beneath.
Nevertheless, defining your subject is critical. I know that lots of advice says to "get closer to your subject" but this really revolves around defining your subject and laser focusing on it. Get rid of all the background noise if it isn't helping with your main objective of the shot. Use a shallow depth of field. Get down low to have the background be a plain blue simple sky.
Nick Estrada recommends a Free Photo course that teaches beginners digital photography. He also recommends a free five day video e-course on how to Sell Your Pictures Online
Article Source:
World Internet Academy Bandung
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